I was really excited to make my own dishwasher detergent, the price seems to get higher and higher every time I go to the store.
The best part of making this recipe is that I had the perfect container and it held the entire batch of dishwasher detergent. Of course, I had to use Cameron and make a vinyl label for my pretty container.
I did have to buy the Lemi Shine, Dishwater Detergent Additive, Super Concentrated, 12 oz (3 Pack), but had the other cleaning products on hand from making my own laundry detergent.
Homemade Dishwasher Detergent!
- 2 parts borax
- 2 parts washing soda
- 1 part Lemi Shine
- 1 part salt
- essential oils for scent (completely optional)
Combine all ingredients and store in an airtight container.
Use 1 tablespoon per load as needed.
This was the one homemade household cleaner that I was the most excited about and the most disappointed in. I need to share my result with you. My dishes came out with a worse film on them than the slight film I had started with. I wish I had thought to take a picture to show you how bad they were. I thought maybe my water softener was out of pellets and continued to use my homemade dishwasher detergent until I could not stand it any longer. I did have to go out and buy dishwasher detergent, but I bought an all-natural one.
I don’t know if the powder formula did not work since I have very hard city water? We do use a water softener and I used a rinse agent, so I am not sure what is not working for me. I started to use my homemade detergent as a carpet freshener. I have sprinkled it over the carpet before I vacuum. I could not see wasting the entire canister.
I am not giving up, I will be trying to make a liquid dishwasher detergent and see if maybe that is what I need. Do you have any ideas for me about what to try next?
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Danita @O Taste And See says
Thanks for sharing that it didn’t work, otherwise it would have been one more of those “Pinterest Fails” for me. I too was excited when I saw your post. Too bad. I’ll keep checking back to see if you come up with anything.
Designed Decor says
Danita, It may work for others? I have some pretty hard water, so I am wondering if powder just doesn’t work for me. I am searching for a liquid version to make and use.
Lori Who Needs A Cape? says
So easy, yet so useful! Shared on G+ 🙂
Designed Decor says
Lori, Thanks for sharing!
Fara says
I was just wondering this weekend about making homemade dishwasher detergent, and how it would work out. Thanks for the info, and thanks for being honest about the results! Hope you can find a better one that works out for you 🙂
Designed Decor says
Fara, I am wondering if it is my hard water at my house. It may work for others, but I did not have any luck! I will be searching!
Crystal says
Sorry that it didn’t turned out, but I love the canister that you had it in. 🙂