Sometimes old vintage items make for great home decor accent pieces in today’s decorating. Some items are harder to use and they need a new purpose. Mr. DD had an entire cabinet full of vintage piano scrolls, that just sat in the cabinet. Finally, after 16 years of marriage, I asked if I could repurpose them into Piano Scroll Wall Art.
The answer was yes, and I have sold over 60 pieces of these from my shop. It is a great way of finding a new use for these old piano scrolls.
How to Make Your Own
You can find these for $2 – $5 in your local thrift stores. I have also seen them on Etsy and eBay and you would have to pay for shipping, so try local stores first.
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Piano Scrolls – Cardboard – Straight Edge Craft Knife – Book Binding Tape
– Hot Glue Gun
– Tracing Paper
– Embellishments – Black Markers – Cord – Drill
Step 1
Drill holes in both ends of piano scrolls.
Step 2 –
Make a cardboard template from an original scroll. This may not need to be done if you have a scroll that is in great shape, look for one that has its original pull tab and is not ripped. A lot of my piano scrolls were falling apart, really dirty or ripped, so I needed to make a new pull tab and cut out using my cardboard template.
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Step 3Use the original pull tab to make a template for the ones that were missing the tabs. I used bookbinding tape and traced the pull tab. I made 2, for the front and back to give it stability. If the piano scroll had its pull tab and the scroll was torn or dirty, I would cut off the tab and make a new starting tab by using the cardboard template.
Step 4
Find the quote you would like, place it is a word document with the style of fonts and print on to a sheet of paper. Trace your quote onto the scroll.
Step 5
Use a black marker over the tracing. Make sure you have a newspaper or scrap paper under your scroll before you use the marker. The scroll has openings and you will get marker on your surface.
Step 6
Feed string of your choice through the tube.
Step 8
Use a grommet punch or hole punch and add your embellishments. I liked how the grommet punch gave a finishing touch. I would only do this on the ones that were missing the original pull tab.
Use the original song titles on the scrolls, some of them I had to cut out and use double-stick tape to place them back on the scroll.
Piano scroll wall art would make a perfect gift for any music lover or for someone who remembers having a player piano when they grew up.
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