It’s hard to believe almost 4 years ago I set a pretty big personal goal. I wanted to visit all 50 states before I turned 50. Well, I am so happy to report that I have crossed the “50 States Visited” goal off my list.
When I set this goal 4 years ago, I also set the same goal for Mr. DD. He reached his goal a year after I set our 50 state goal. He only needed Alabama, Arkansas, Alaska, and Mississippi. We took an anniversary trip in May 2012 and knocked out Alabama, Arkansas, and Missippi. We did our Alaskan cruise the following year and his goals were reached.
I just discovered a website and club for those who are like me and have visited all 50 states. Who knew that I can join a 50 state club. I did and I guess they are sending me a certificate. How cool!
So this is what my goal looked like 4 years ago. I needed 17 states to complete my list and had 5 years to complete the goal and I reached that goal with 1 year 4 months to go. So I will do the math for you as I am 48 and will be 49 next month.
We love to travel and visit new places, so having to drive to 17 states was not a big deal for us. We drove to 15 of the states and flew to Washington and Alaska. Our first trip was in 2012 and we drove to Arkansas, Alabama and Mississippi( Mr. DD. goal)
In 2013, we flew into Washington State, did an Alaskan Cruise and rented a car after the cruise to visit Oregon and Idaho.
In 2014, we drove North through Michigan and the upper peninsula so we could drive into Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota and Nebraska. Yes, that was a lot of miles for 4 states.
In 2015, Mr. DD had a business trip near Delaware so we decided I would go with him and take a few extra days so I could get that one off my list.
We visited the New England states in early October of 2016. This is the perfect time to visit these states for the AMAZING colors. They actually call you a “leaf watcher,” as this is their biggest travel time. This was one of our TOP trips we have taken together, it is hard to say which is my #1 and #2 between this trip and our Alaskan Crusie.
This trip could have an entire post to its self. We did so much and had so much fun, its hard to pick the favorites, so I will just share some college highlights. We believe we were taking selfies 13+ years before they became so popular.
We saw everything from Martha’s Vineyard, New Port Beach, Plymouth Rock, Boston, and Acadia National Park.
I had a slight obsession with the Churches and architecture we saw on this trip.
If you are in Rhode Island, Newport is a must see. We drove through McMasion row. The houses are breathtaking and unbeleivablely HUGE!
Oh, the Lobster! It is everything and more from what I heard. Fresh lobster it is Incredible!
I hope you enjoyed my trip summary and you can read more about my travels by visiting here. We are working on our next personal goals that we have made as a couple and our future. I hope to share them with you soon. What goals have you set for yourself? Leave me a comment because I love to hear what you are planning or what you have already achieved.
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