If you have read along this past month, you probably have noticed that I have gradually switched over my household cleaners. Now I am sharing my recipe for an all-purpose cleaner.
You should know by now, that I like recipes that are simple and easy, and this one does not fail in that department.
Mix equal parts of vinegar and water into a spray bottle, that’s it! I chose to add a few drops of my Do Terra lemon essential oil to help rid the smell of vinegar.
I chose to break out Cameron(Silhouette Cameo) and make a simple label for my bottle. I like to use the vinyl to make labels for my cleaning bottles that way they stand up to any liquid that spills on them. Yes, I learned this the hard way. Last week I shared my recipe for homemade Toilet Bowl cleaner and made a label from my computer. I guess I don’t need to tell you what happened to the ink the day I grabbed the bottle with my rubber gloves after I just scrubbed the tub. I will be making new labels for these bottles.
The other tip I would like to share is that if you are using essential oil in your all-purpose cleaner use glass bottles. I know, I did not.
I just purchased some glass spray bottles online and will be switching over once I get them.
I gained this knowledge after I made my cleaner and purchased the spray bottle. Do you use natural cleaners, if so what are your tips and advice for others?
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