I have been wanting a flocked Christmas tree for the past few years, and I did not want to spend the money when I have a perfectly good tree. I found an easy way to have a DIY Flocked Christmas Tree. It was so EASY, inexpensive and clean up was a breeze.
I started small by doing this 4-foot Chocolate Truffle Tree from Treetopia and the lighted wreaths and garland.
I used 2 products to achieve this look. White spray paint and White spray paint. Make sure you buy the water based version as it has less odor and spray in a well-ventilated area.
I made this quick video on how I flocked my Christmas tree. Make sure you are following me on my YouTube channel.
I love how my flocked Christmas items turned out that I am also doing my main Christmas Tree.
I have never really decorated my office, but I think I am really enjoying it as this is where I spend a large portion of my day when I am not painting or doing other home projects. This is also our back entrance to our home where everyone enters, so now they get an instant feel of Christmas when they walk in the door.
Make sure you stop over to my Christmas Tree of Love post where I share the story behind our “Love Tree” and the ornaments that are placed on the tree.
I think there is a perfect amount of flocking on the tree and wreath.
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Judi Rice says
Love this look. Where can I get the 2 sprays. Do do this. At 69 years of age. Think I can do this myself lol
Designed Decor says
The spray is available at any of your big box hardware stores like Home Depot, Lowes, or Menards. Ask for spray ceiling texture.
Christina Gregg says
Just wanted to know why the white spray paint to???
Designed Decor says
I wanted more white than what the spray texture offered.
Lisa says
I also used this method approx three years ago, as an experiment on a cheap tree I used on the porch.
I wanted a little heavier treatment on top of the branches ( it was supposed to be a silver tip pine) because the branches were further apart.
So I got out a tub of pre mixed Sheetrock mud, dolloped that on the tops, hit it w krylon glitter blast .. DONE.
Didn’t expect it to last through rain, but it did, SO I bagged it in a clear trash bag , and set it up in the garage rafters.
This is the third year! Haven’t touched it up AT ALL, still looks great.
Of course some mud ( snow) does fall off every year, but I went heavy when applying..
You’re right.. quick, easy, and fun.
Designed Decor says
This sounds like another great idea for a heavier flocking! Mine has been outside these past 2 years and doing fine as well. I will use it until it falls off and do it again!
Angela Staszak says
I painted my LED lights
Judy Meyers says
so the bulbs get painted too?
Designed Decor says
Hi Judy,
Since the items I was doing already had the lights on them, yes I did them right along with the rest.
Debbie says
Did the tree have lights and did you remove them?
Designed Decor says
Hi Debbie, I put the lights on the tree before doing the flocking that way the lights have it on the wires as well. It also prevents more flocking from falling off when you string the lights.
Debbie says
Thank you, going to attempt this with my wreaths and trees this Christmas. Yours look beautiful.
Designed Decor says
I just pulled mine out of the boxes and they are still holding up and look great after 3 years of use.