I just wanted to share a few pictures from our short venture for a spring ski trip. We traveled to the Shawnee Village Resort in Shawnee Pennsylvania. My husband wanted to teach me to ski, and that he did. This was a great time of the year to go skiing because it was not crowded at all.
We went skiing for a day at the Shawnee Mountain Ski Resort. What a beautiful day it was. It was sunny and 48 degrees. I do not like being cold and this is the main reason I never learned to ski. I have to admit, that if skiing could be like this perfect day, then I would ski all the time.
These are the easy hills that I started out on. I fell at the top coming down from the chair lift, at this point I was thinking I was ready to give up, and I had just started. My challenge was; I don’t know how to stop and I don’t know how to turn, just two small details needed to ski. My husband patiently showed me how to turn and we worked on the stopping also. In the past, the only way I knew how to stop was to fall. I am getting to old to fall and pick myself up, so my goal was to stay off the ground. After 2 trips to the top of this small hill, I let him go do some of the big hills and I sat and watched. After 1 last trip on the bunny hill, he said he was taking me to the big hills. WHAT, I am not going up that big lift! He showed me that the mountain has easy trails that I could navigate down. I thought he was crazy and I was going to have to take my skies off and walk down the hill. I did it, there were hardly any people on the first trail, so this allowed me to practice my turns and my stopping. I was gaining confidence until we were towards the end of the mountain. Look at the picture below to see the arrow.
That is not me in the picture, but that is where I was when I began to freak out a little. That was a pretty big hill and I had to work my way over to the path on the left. I took it very slowly and made it down to the trail on the left. I was envisioning me going straight down to the bottom. The second time down in that same spot I wiped out because I hit that bare patch above the arrow. The skis did not like hitting a bare patch of grass. I think we did about 5 runs, then my legs began to scream. It was time to stop in the lodge and have a refreshing drink, mind you I was not cold, so a beer was the beverage of choice! Now that I have learned to ski and it is the end of the season, I will probably forget everything I learned.
Here are a few pictures of the deer that were walking outside of the resort, where we were staying.
Pictures of a beautiful stream and a small waterfall located in the Shawnee Village resort.
I don’t know much about this area to know the name of the stream, but it was a photo opt just waiting for us!
This stone bridge was so pretty!
Here we are after the day of skiing!
We had a fun time and this is a place that we would come back too.
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Rosey says
What a great looking bunch of scenery (I love stone bridges too!). I’m glad you had fun, I’m scared to ski, crazy I know, but true, so I think it rocks that you went out to learn.
Beverly says
Hello DeDe,
Stopping by from Let’s Get Social. I am a new G+ follower. You have a cute blog. I actually took my kids to Shawnee Resort when they were young and we lived in PA. Good luck with your skiing. Looks like it was my kind of day to ski – sunny and not too cold.
Have a great Sunday,
@ Eclectic Red Barn