This drop leaf server was in great shape when I found her at a neighborhood garage sale. She was in need of no repairs, she just wanted a new updated finish. I decided that she would need to be black and classic.
This drop leaf server was taken care of very well in her former life. I am sure her owners decided she was outdated and sold her at their garage sale, this is where I saved her and gave her a new outfit to wear in her second life.
This is not the original picture. I thought I took one, but did not, so I found one that looked very similar to my piece. My piece was in this exact stain color. Like I said she was not bad at all. I started by painting the drop leaf server with a water based primer. I typically don’t use primer on a piece unless it has the potential to have bleed through or the paint I am using calls for primer.
I used metallic black pearl by Modern Masters for the entire piece after she was primed. I also sealed using the dead flat varnish
by Modern Masters. Typically you would not seal the metallic paint with a dead flat, they recommend the Master Clear
. I wanted a more subtle metallic look and achieved it with the flat varnish.
I used silver bullet metallic cream paint in all the carvings and details of the piece. I also used the silver metallic paint on the hardware as well.
I spray painted the metal wire on the doors using Antique Nickel by Rustoleum. They were an aged gold color along with the original hardware. Since the doors had wires on them, I needed to paint the inside of the cabinet. I painted the inside using a soft gray paint called pebble beach.
She turned out to be a true beauty, what do you think?
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Michele Alan Klein says
Looks amazing and sure needed the makeover! Thank you for sharing.
Jenna Petree says
Beautiful piece! Nice job
Designed Decor says
Thank you, Jenna!
Challon says
I have this exact same piece that I am repainting this weekend! I was going to do a dark blue but I love the black!
Designed Decor says
Hi Challon, Dark blue would be pretty too!